Three's a crowd...
These Mandarin Ducks appeared to be gliding in a pool of mercury due to the way the sun was harshly shining on the water, and the fact that I still had the camera set at ISO 1600 since we got there before daylight, which, IMHO, gave this picture a different "look". I also shot the same image from a different vantage point (and "correct" settings) which made the water look right, but I thought this image was more impressive. Actual settings were - Canon 500 w 1.4X, high speed synch flash w -1.00 comp, f5/6, ss 1/250, EC -1/3 and ISO 1600. Minor processing in PSCS2 for levels.
© Sara And Dick
Copyright for this gallery photo belongs solely to Sara And Dick. Images may not be copied, downloaded, or used in any way without the express, written permission of the photographer.